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2024-04-25 化工产品网

Methyl benzyl alcohol, also known as toluene methanol or benzyl alcohol, is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor. It is used primarily as a solvent in industrial and laboratory settings. Methyl benzyl alcohol can also be found in some personal care products, such as lotions and shampoos, as a fragrance ingredient.

Despite its common use, methyl benzyl alcohol can be toxic if ingested or inhaled in large amounts. It has been shown to cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. In addition, prolonged exposure to methyl benzyl alcohol can lead to liver and kidney damage.

Due to its potential health hazards, proper safety measures should be taken when handling methyl benzyl alcohol. This includes wearing protective clothing and gloves, ensuring proper ventilation in work areas, and avoiding ingestion or inhalation of the substance.

In summary, while methyl benzyl alcohol is a useful solvent and fragrance ingredient, it can pose health risks if not handled properly. It is important to follow safety guidelines and use caution when working with this substance.

关键词: 对氨基苯甲酸叔丁酯 二甲基二硫醚分解反应方程式 作者: 化工网
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